I am and have been an executive leadership and a personal coach for 15 years.
My coaching philosophy is, “Believe differently: start small, love who you are, and experience transformation for yourself so you can positively influence others.” "Left alone, my thoughts are justified, validated. If left alone long enough, I'm right 100% of the time. I'm Dangerous!" We become better with those who are trustworthy, who really listen, without judgement, and delve into questions that illuminate. I am that person.
At any point in time, we head in the direction of our strongest thoughts. Changing what we think and believe, changes everything. Navigating life's choices and relationships can be difficult. Whether you need help transforming the insignificant to significant, changing inefficiencies to present and focused, or moving from an uninspired life to a life of purpose, I’d love to help you unlock discoveries of your solution. More of the same, or a move toward a new focus for your growth and success? Let's begin together, today.
What I like - I enjoy spending time with my wife, three kids, and three grandchildren that keep me on my toes! In my free time I enjoy snowboarding, traveling, hiking with our pug, cooking, playing banjo, and golf.
I am certified in ICF PCC, ShadowWork™ advanced training, DISC, 12 Motivational Drivers and Emotional Quotient Certified, Growth Leadership Trainer, NLP, Coaching Mastery, Certified Psychological First Aid and Four Streams Coaching.

“one of the things I cherish about you, among many others, is your ability to ask very thoughtful & purposeful questions that assist me in examining what else is going on in my areas on influence/stewardship.”
“like a popsicle has different contours as it is being worked through, your presence and questions give greater context to what else is there.”
Greg N

“Greg, you are a light in an often dark and bleak world. Your enthusiasm, zest for life, and ability to help people see the gifts they have to offer the world are exceptional. I have seen firsthand the influence of your persistent commitment to walking beside me and guiding me to not only look for but to create positive emotional and spiritual shifts. The way you show up for other's changes the trajectory of their lives, enriches their relationships, and has a godly ripple effect through the universe. Please do not underestimate what a supreme difference you make simply by being you.”
Jay M
“you ask the right questions to get under the surface of goals or issues. You have an uncanny gift of turning up more "dirt". You can see past the topical subject and help the client see what is really going on - like when you helped me realize why finishing certain books was important to me - not just to get it done.” :)
Stephanie M